Thursday, April 3, 2014

Progress on the New Layout & Triple Digit Followers

Late last night the @foreachgamer Twitter account hit 100 followers.  I'm excited to have so many people interested in the site already, and I hope the number continues to grow.

As far as progress, I've been cranking away at the new jQuery layout system.  Basically my to-do list at the moment is simply taking the old website and code and incorporating it into the new layout.  I'm happy to say that the index page is pretty much completed, and with that, a lot of the framework for the remaining pages as well.  This new layout is going to save me a lot of time in the long run, since positioning elements is really done by jQuery.  I just create the boxes for info, and Isotope will move them according to the screen width.  I've always been a fan of websites with content separated into divided areas, and this will make supporting smaller screen sizes from the get-go a non-issue.

One feature of note added to the index page: The first row of data cells (ie. 'demos', 'articles', etc.) and the footer are now hidden when the page loads.  A few seconds later, both will animate upwards from below the screens viewport, and position themselves accordingly.  The footer remains fixed at the bottom of the screen, and data cells move up about 1/4 of the screens height.  So, regardless of the current screen resolution, every visitor will see the same sections of the data cells.

The index page is just about wrapped up for now

The only thing I have left to do on the index page for now is to add the black faded background behind the cells so that they stick out from the movie a bit more. 

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